“Green Community” Initiative

One of the first tenets established by IDCI was our commitment to the environment. Our “Green Community” Initiative ensures that, starting from management, we proactively commit to the preservation of the environment and the betterment of our society as a whole.

To implement this Initiative, we had to educate ourselves as the best practices to begin and remain “environmentally friendly”. To that end, we must also provide our employees with the tools and training to create a “culture of conservation” within their community. Supported with that knowledge, we can proceed to conserve and protect natural resources for future generations, and protect human health through environmental stewardship.

To assist us in this initiative, we called on Urban Impact, a Vancouver-based recycling company who has over 20 years of experience in environmental management. Their innovative approach to the management of waste and recycling assists us to operate in an “economically, socially and environmentally sustainable manner and transform our attitudes towards waste”.

IDCI has also enrolled in the Building Energy Challenge, a fun and informative competition put on by the City of Richmond to challenge companies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and energy use while helping local businesses and members of the community save money on energy.

The Building Energy Challenge will provide subsidized training to building owners and operators to improve the environmental performance of their buildings. It will also provide coaching support for energy benchmarking and will design customized training plans for facility staff. Finally, it will allow us to peer learn and network with companies within our industry to learn best practices.

Therefore, the goal of our “Green Community” Initiative would be that IDCI will:

  • recycle more – limiting the “garbage” disposal within our facility and allocating all our disposables to various recycle bins;
  • consume less – endeavoring to consume less resources at our facility, less energy at our office, and less natural resources overall; and,
  • emit less –lowering emissions from our facility and promote beneficial re-use of previously discarded waste products by encouraging and managing recycling.